
Stroller safety: Tips for parents

How can I keep my baby safe in his or her stroller?

To prevent stroller accidents:

  • Stay close. Don't leave your baby unattended in his or her stroller.
  • Be careful with toys. If you hang toys from a stroller bumper bar to entertain your baby, make sure that the toys are securely fastened.
  • Buckle up. Always buckle your baby's harness and seat belt when taking him or her for a stroller ride.
  • Use your brakes. Engage your stroller brakes whenever you stop the stroller. Never park the stroller on a slope.
  • Properly store belongings. Don't hang a bag from the stroller's handlebar, which can make a stroller tip over.
  • Take caution when folding. Keep your baby away from the stroller as you open and fold it, since small fingers can get caught in stroller hinges. Make sure the stroller is locked open before you put your child in it.
  • Keep it out of the sun. During hot weather, don't let your baby's stroller sit in the sun for long periods of time. This can cause plastic and metal pieces to become hot enough to burn your baby. If you leave the stroller in the sun, check the stroller's surface temperature before placing your baby in the stroller.
  • Check for recalls. Return the stroller warranty card so that you'll be notified in case of a recall. If you're considering a used stroller, check that the stroller hasn't been recalled.

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